
Community, Homeowners & Condominium Associations

Hornthal, Riley, Ellis & Maland attorneys have extensive experience working with condominium and homeowners’ associations, having effectively represented the governing organizations of the planned communities throughout Northeastern North Carolina. Our attorneys have expertise, valuable skills, and experience addressing the often unique issues presented by self-managed associations. When needed, we have successfully represented homeowners’ associations in court in connection with various compliance and collection matters.

We also have significant experience in connection with the drafting and amendment of governing documents, as well as their enforcement. We regularly represent associations in connection with collection efforts, including foreclosure where appropriate. We provide general guidance to the governing Board of Directors related to all aspects of operation in conformity with the applicable statutes, including the North Carolina Planned Community Act and the Condominium Act, the North Carolina Non-profit Corporation Act, and the governing documents of the planned community.